

Acidity or heart burn is a burning sensation in the chest, behind breast bone or in the upper abdomen.

 Acidity is mostly caused by spicy, salty, oily foods. Excessive smoking, tea and stress also contribute to it.

 Here are some tips to get rid of acidity.

First tip to get rid of acidity is to avoid over eating. Take a balanced meal. Avoid junk and oily, fatty, spicy and acidic food.

   Don't sleep just after taking meal. Maintain upright posture after having meal.

Exercise daily, it will help in weight loss and hence prevent acidity.

Stop smoking!

Avoid taking caffeine (tea, coffee, chocolate)

Take green vegetables, fruits esp. bananas. It prevents acidity.

Avoid constipation & taking stress. They are one of the main factors in causing acidity.

Having cold milk also helps sometimes :)

If not improving, consult a doctor and take medicine (Proton pump inhibitors - omeprazole). Take great care and enjoy a healthy life :)

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